In 2020 we will see many innovations, which should include eg. iPhone 9, iPhone 12 mini or new, 6.7-inch iPhone 12 Pro Max. The following infographics shows how the entire iPhone product portfolio will probably look in 2020.

First of all, we can see that the iPhone 8 is likely to get a successor in the form of the iPhone 9. This model surprisingly still retains the TouchID. Other models will have FaceID technology.

The iPhone 9 will be the „virtual“ successor to the successful iPhone SE. However, will be based on the Model 8 with a 4.7-inch LCD screen. It is also sometimes referred to as the iPhone SE 2.

This is how iPhone product line should look like in 2020.

We can also look forward to the successor of the XR, which will be the iPhone 12, sometimes called „mini“. Its size can be compared to the iPhone 9, but will feature a 5.4-inch OLED display. That’s even less than the older X or XS models.

In addition to these innovations we will see three other models that will copy the product line from 2019 – iPhone 12, 12 Pro and 12 Pro Max. It is worth mentioning the size of the display of the largest model, which increases to 6.7-inch.

We’re looking forward to see what Apple will prepare for us this year. We are expecting a lot of changes to an expanded portfolio of 5 models.

iPhone 2020
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Juraj Hallon
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