Po, 21.10.2024
AirTag auto krádež

Apple’s AirTag device rescued a stolen car. Tracked it down in just 15 minutes

We have written several times about the AirTag being a practical device. But now a Slovak man has experienced a case where it saved...
Rozmazaný ľavý horný roh displeja na iPhone 12 Pro Max v operačnom systéme iOS 15

The iPhone has a strange problem with a blurry corner of the display. We...

Apple sells very reliable devices that it updates regularly. However, as the saying goes, even a master carpenter makes mistakes, and in this case...

Always-on display now works in iOS 16. How is this possible?

Following the release of the iOS 16 operating system at WWDC 2022, speculation began that there were hints of the always-on display that the...

Apple e-Scooter: Take a look at our concept electric scooter in augmented reality (AR)

If you like design and technology, then you are in the right place. In collaboration with the clever 3D artist Miloš Belanec and Vectary,...

This is a redesigned Mac Pro with Apple Sillicon chip – Concept by...

Redesigned Mac Pro As you know, the ARM platform allows to reduce the size of computers. Thanks to advanced technologies, the new Mac Pro is...
iPhone 13 mini

iPhone 13 mini concept by svetapple.sk

As you know, Apple is working on a new iPhone 12S mini or iPhone 13 mini, which will be introduced some time during September...
Z červeného iPhonu 12 sa vytratila farba

Does Apple have a problem? The color disappears from the aluminum chassis of the...

The color of the red iPhone 12 has disappeared Back in November 2020, we bought a red iPhone 12 for the editorial office, which is...
MacBook Pro 13" (M1) očami náročného používateľa Windowsu. Je naozaj taký dobrý?

Incredible result: MacBook Air (M1) beat MacBook Pro 13-inch (M1) in a performance test....

Same hardware At the beginning, we need to say something about used computers that look exactly the same on paper. The MacBook Air had a...
iPad mini 6. generácie (2021) - exkluzívne rendery od svetapple.sk

iPad mini 6th generation (2021) – exclusive renders from svetapple.sk

iPad mini 6th generation (2021) and its design Recently, there has been a passionate discussion about what the next generation iPad mini will look like....
iPhone SE 3. generácie v podaní svetapple.sk

iPhone SE 3rd generation concept by svetapple.sk

Design based on the iPhone 12 mini Let's start with the design. The concept itself was designed to capture the customer's expectations and the nature of...


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